Plant Based Nutrition

Debunking 5 Popular Myths About Plant Based Nutrition

Jul 07, 2024

Have you ever wondered if adding more plant-based foods could supercharge your diet?

You've probably heard about it but might have yet to explore it fully.

What's holding you back?

There are some myths swirling around that might cause some hesitation.

In this blog, we're busting these myths wide open and uncovering the real scoop on plant based nutrition.

Check this out: According to NDPH's analysis of the EPIC-Oxford study, vegetarians slashed their risk of diverticular disease by 31%. And vegans? A whopping 72% lower risk compared to meat eaters.

Must Read: Deaths in the USA due to Heart Disease, Stroke, and the Best Salt for Hypertension

What does Plant Based Nutrition Mean?

First, let's break down what plant based nutrition is all about.

Plant based nutrition, or diet, is centered around foods that come from plants.

This includes veggies, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. The idea is to lean more on these foods and cut down on or skip animal products.

When you go plant-based, you're loading up on nutrients that come straight from plants.

These options give you fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all healthier for your body's health and well-being.

And speaking of plant-based options, while we're on the topic of plant-based nutrition, let's also consider plant-based salts like Salicornia salt.

These salts, derived from plants like Salicornia, add a unique twist to your meals while packing in essential minerals like potassium and magnesium.

So, plant-based nutrition isn't just about what you eat—it's about nourishing your body with the goodness straight from plants, including innovative options like plant-based salts.

Health Benefits of Plant Based Diets

Plant based diets have some incredible benefits:

  1. Reduced Risk of Health Conditions: They lower the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other health issues.
  2. Improved Digestion: Plus, they can help digestion, keeping things running smoothly.
  3. Boosted Immune System: They also boost your immune system to help you fight off sickness.
  4. Healthy Weight Management: Thanks to all that fiber, they're also great for weight management.
  5. Cost-Effective: They are often less expensive than diets with meat and dairy products.

All these reasons add up to why going plant based nutrition is a smart move for staying healthy and feeling great.

Plus, they're packed with nutrients that your body loves, like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Switching to a plant-based diet isn't just about health—it's a win-win for your body and your budget.

What are the Types of Plant Based Diets to Consider?

Let's explore six prominent plant based nutrition and dietary styles:

1- Veganism: It's all about veggies, legumes, fruits, nuts, and grains—no animal products at all.

2- Vegetarianism: Similar to veganism, but you can choose to include eggs and dairy if you like.

    • Ovo-lacto vegetarianism: Includes both dairy and eggs.
    • Ovo vegetarianism: Includes eggs but no dairy.
    • Lacto vegetarianism: Includes dairy but no eggs.

3- Semi-Vegetarianism: Mostly plant-based, with the occasional addition of meat or poultry.

4- Pescetarianism: Mostly plant-based, with the inclusion of seafood. Some might also include dairy or eggs.

5- Mediterranean Diet: They eat meat regularly but also focus heavily on whole plant foods.

6- Paleo Diet: They focus on generous amounts of meat and plenty of whole plant foods—that's the central concept.

These diets offer flexibility depending on whether you lean towards plant-based eating or prefer including meat and seafood into your meals.

What Common Myths Make People Hesitate to Try Plant Based Nutrition?

Myth 1:

A common belief is that a plant-based diet doesn't supply enough protein.

Fact: People often think they have to get their protein from animals like cows and chickens and their products—dairy and eggs.

But think about this: Where do these animals get their protein? They get it from eating plants.

Every plant-based food contains some protein. It's better to get your protein directly from plants. Even top athletes get enough protein from plant-based diets.

Research shows that eating animal protein might raise the risk of cancers, heart disease, kidney issues, and bone problems. On the flip side, plant-based proteins are known to help reverse some diseases.

Adding plant based Salicornia salt to your plant-based meals can also provide additional minerals like potassium and magnesium, supporting overall health.

Myth 2:

It's hard to get enough protein and essential nutrients like B12 on a plant-based diet, which are usually found in animal products.

Fact: A well-planned plant-based diet offers numerous health benefits, including reduced risks of chronic diseases like heart disease and certain cancers. Plant foods are rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, supporting overall health and contributing to healthy weight management.

B12 deficiency is common; individuals who consume animal products often have insufficient B12 levels.

Malabsorption conditions, such as pernicious anemia or gastrointestinal disorders, pose significant challenges to absorbing B12 effectively, regardless of dietary intake.

Age-related factors also play a role, as older adults often experience reduced stomach acid production, which is essential for proper B12 absorption from food sources.

Balancing a plant based nutrition with various nutrient-dense foods such as leafy greens, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fortified products can help maintain optimal health and overall well-being. 

Also, Making a switch to plant based SaltWise’s Green Salicornia salt into your dishes can contribute to your daily mineral intake, promoting better health outcomes.

Myth 3:

Bloating and gas are common side effects of going plant-based.

Fact: Common causes of bloating and gas include high-fiber foods, swallowing air from eating quickly or drinking carbonated beverages, food intolerances like lactose or gluten, digestive disorders such as IBS, constipation, and hormonal changes.

The extra fiber is actually great for you! It helps keep your bowels moving, lowers cholesterol, and removes toxins and excess hormones.

Most Americans don't get enough fiber. 

For women, the USDA recommends 25 grams of fiber a day and 38 grams a day for men up to age 50, yet American adults consume only 10 to 15 grams each day. 

As a result of this lack of fiber, constipation can occur, resulting in bloating, gas, and other stomach discomforts.

SaltWise's Salicornia salt can complement your high-fiber diet by providing essential minerals, supporting digestion and overall gut health.

For a healthier gut, it's best to get your fiber from whole plant foods instead of supplements. Whole-food fiber feeds the good bacteria in your gut, keeping your digestive system happy. 

On the flip side, processed foods can boost harmful bacteria and harm your gut, leading to various health problems.

Myth 4:

A plant-based diet will leave you feeling hungry and low on energy.

Fact: The right plant based nutrition or diet can keep you energized all day long with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

Foods like tofu, lentils, and beans provide protein to support muscles and energy levels. Including iron-rich foods like spinach, Seeds, and nuts help maintain energy levels by filling required nutrients.

Enhance the flavors and nutrition of your plant-based meals with Salicornia salt,by sprinkling on seeds and nuts or salads which not only adds taste but also enriches your diet with essential minerals.

Planning meals with plenty of fiber and balanced nutrients also keeps you full and energized.

Myth 5:

A plant-based diet doesn't provide enough calcium.

Fact: You can easily meet your calcium needs with plant-based foods.

Leafy greens and seeds are excellent sources. Plus, just 10 minutes of sunlight daily provides essential vitamin D for bone health and overall well-being.


However, studies have shown higher fracture rates among postmenopausal women in countries with high dairy consumption.

For those who don't get enough sunlight, a vitamin D supplement can help. More than 40% of Americans lack sufficient vitamin D despite eating animal-based diets.

Including Salicornia powder in your plant-based diet adds another layer of nutritional benefit, ensuring you get essential minerals that support bone health and overall well-being.

Wrapping Up

By adopting a plant based diet and exploring options like SaltWise's Salicornia salts, you not only enhance your nutritional intake but also contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Incorporating innovative choices into your meals, such as plant based nutrition and salts, ensures you're getting a diverse range of nutrients while enjoying delicious flavors without worrying about sodium levels.

So, what are you waiting for? Don't miss out on the plant-based goodness!

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